Villawood North Public School

Nurturing, innovative and dedicated

Telephone02 9724 1423

Rules and policies

Rules and policies are in place to make sure your child remains safe and well at school.

Visit the NSW Department of Education’s policy library for all current operational policies.

Our school uses the department's School Community Charter to ensure all of our communication is collaborative and respectful.

Attendance and absences

Students must attend school regularly so they can achieve their educational best and increase their career and life options.

In NSW, all children from the age of 6 are legally required to attend school or be registered for home schooling through the NSW Education Standards Authority (NESA). All students must complete Year 10, or its equivalent and remain in school, employment or training until they turn 17.

For more information about compulsory school attendance, visit:

School rules

I am safe:

  • Move about the school safely
  • Wear a hat outside
  • Report problems to a teacher

I am respectful:

  • Cooperate and be fair
  • Use polite language
  • Follow teacher instructions

I am a learner:

  • Do your best
  • Be responsible for your actions
  • Follow teacher instructions


School frameworks (school rules)

As well as following the department’s operational policies, we have developed frameworks for our students in line with our school’s values and commitments.

Positive Behaviour for Learning (PBL)

In ensuring that Villawood North Public School is a safe, welcoming, positive and purposeful learning environment, our school community are committed to the Positive Behaviour for Learning (PBL) Framework. Positive Behaviour for Learning is supported by the Department of Education. It promotes and maximises student academic achievement and behavioural competence. It is a school-wide system which ensures that students develop important social and behavioural skills.  

Full Policy: PBL policy (pdf 448 KB)

Anti-Bullying Policy

This plan outlines the processes for preventing and responding to student bullying in our school and reflects the Bullying: Preventing and Responding to Student Bullying in Schools Policy of the New South Wales Department of Education and Communities.

Full Policy: Anti-Bullying Policy (pdf 542 KB)

Learning and Support Policy

A Learning and Support team is a whole school planning and support mechanism. It is formed with the purpose of addressing the learning and support needs of students through the coordination, development, implementation, monitoring and evaluation of educational programs.

Full Policy: Learning and Support Policy (pdf 6389 KB)

School Visitors Policy

To provide a safe environment for the children of Villawood North Public School the School Visitors Policy outlines procedures for visitors. All visitors (including parents) are required to sign in and out of the school at the office. The exceptions are: dropping and picking children up from school, attending a special event such as assemblies or sporting events.

Full Policy: School Visitors Policy (pdf 55 KB)