Villawood North Public School

Nurturing, innovative and dedicated

Telephone02 9724 1423

Parent information

Parent and Community Programs

Parent morning tea

As you are aware, this term we have continued to run Parent Morning Tea every Wednesday morning from 9:00-10:00am.

I would like to use this opportunity to thank all the parents who have given up their time to participate in our program. We all have an enjoyable time together and it is a great way to meet and share your knowledge, experiences or concerns whilst getting to know about school events, other parents and other valuable things from our workshops.

Adult English classes

Another exciting program that we are providing is free English classes for all Parents at school every Monday from 9:00-11:00am.

This term we are very fortunate to have school funding cover the costs of these classes. Therefore, this is a fantastic opportunity for all parents to learn and improve on their English skills. The lessons are run by Wendy Dougherty and cover English conversation, spelling and dictation through a range of topics like health, visiting doctors and hospitals, shopping, public transport, phone conversations and emergency calls etc.


We also have very exciting workshops during the Morning Teas

Next workshop: No workshops currently

New participants welcome

It is great to see so many parents participating in many of the programs that are offered by the school. I would also like to extend a warm welcome to all parents who wish to participate, as we look forward to seeing new and old faces attending.

If you have any queries or concern, please don't hesitate to contact the school on 02 9724 1423 or myself on 0414 892 095 on Monday to Wednesday only. 

Warm regards,

Mrs Phan
Community Liaison